Colin’s Hope and FCB Health New York  

Not Out Of The Water 

While terms like dry, secondary or near drowning circulate every summer, no one has developed a straightforward resource for parents and caregivers that clearly defines “drowning” as a process. Nor are there good instructions for how to act should drowning symptoms continue after their child leaves the water.

Drowning is the No. 1 cause of injury-related death in children between the ages of 1 and 4, and each year, there are five times as many non-fatal drownings. To boost parental awareness and bolster a better understanding of overall water safety, this campaign uses striking posters and an educational website to teach that drowning is a process, and that it can also continue after a child leaves the water. The judges call this campaign, shared via social media outlets, a top-to-bottom tour de force. And the creative executions, showing children suffering in living rooms and bedrooms, not at the pool, leaves viewers speechless.

It started with Colin’s Hope, a Texas-based nonprofit focused on drowning prevention, and grew organically to include 25 sponsors. 

Its training materials are now being used by Starguard Elite in training lifeguards for Royal Caribbean and Carnival Cruise Lines, which serve 10 million passengers each year. And the World Health Organization has agreed that non-fatal drownings have been overlooked, underreported and not properly recorded. It is currently rewriting its position statement to set the global terminology standard, helping everyone better recognize, treat and record non-fatal drownings. 

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