GlaxoSmithKline and Weber Shandwick 

Tums or Dare

While Tums had maintained its position as a category leader by bringing younger consumers into the fold, it knew it still had plenty of work to do. Many millennials thought of heartburn as a problem for older people. And with the launch of Tums Chewy Bites with Cooling Sensation, it saw a way to embrace those millennials — and have a great time.

The launch keyed in on the gustatory adventures of younger consumers. The majority (60%) describe themselves as “heat seekers.” 

These food-lovin’ people believe bold flavor choices represent their brave attitude toward living. But they’re also in heartburn denial: While 89% of 18-to-34-year-olds have experienced at least one digestive issue in the past 12 months, only half treated it. 

These findings led to a campaign and call-to-action messaging connecting the spicy foods millennials love to its new “Cooling Sensation.” To maximize reach and product awareness while also driving trial, the brand used many digital tactics, including banner ads, video, a real-time Twitter giveaway, social content and influencer partnerships. And it teamed up with Com-plex to be the official Season 9 sponsor of the YouTube hit Hot Ones, where celebrity guests endure eating a flight of wings of increasing spiciness. 

Those engagements contributed to a 25% increase in overall Tums product sold per store. 

“I loved the education being seamlessly integrated and entertaining,” says one judge, “and the way it brought an older brand back to life.”  Another judge said, “For a mature brand, this was a refreshing approach.”

Sponsor: Vue Health