Eli Lilly, Facebook and OMD  

Emgality Tackles Migraine Market at the Speed of Social

Emgality, the third in an exciting new class of treatments for migraine, understood better than its competitors that migraine sufferers spend a lot of time on social. And in a shining example of how social media can be a community building tool, it set out to spread the news.

For the first time in their lives, migraine patients had a treatment option developed for their neurological disease. Aware that its competitors had only a small presence on Facebook and even less on Instagram, it focused on both platforms to reach more people. 

Pre-launch insights influenced how the team approached targeting, audience selection and content creation, striving to deliver important messages to patients in their day-to-day lives. In a new move for pharma, it used Instagram Stories. These ads serve emotionally resonant messages in a format better suited for mobile.

Social-first content drove consumer engagement, with placements across Facebook and Instagram increasing the reach and frequency of the campaign to deliver the right message, in the right place at the right time.

It set aggressive goals, including a higher positive sentiment than competitors, driving desired behaviors through social media. It’s exceeded those goals and has created exceptional customer engagements, making  sure patients feel supported. 

Armed with a deep understanding of patients and a large cross-functional effort, Emgality has paved the way for future brands in the industry to connect and engage with patients online. The engagements prove that if a brand takes the time to understand patients and what they’re looking for, it can create exceptional connections.