Category sponsored by Havas Health & You


The Chrysalis Initiative and Eversana Intouch
Erase the Line

Black women shouldn’t be in the dark about the deep and persistent bias in breast-cancer care — disparities so vast they are 40% more likely to die from the disease than white women. Even when insurance and access to care are the same as other groups, Black women still experience disproportionately poor outcomes, unnecessary intervention and death.

This remarkable initiative takes ownership of the inequality sign, educating patients about these systemic problems. It aims to get Black women the equal care they need. And it tackles life-saving clinical research: Only 3% of women in breast cancer clinical trials are Black women.

Working with Jamil Rivers,  survivor and founder of The Chrysalis Initiative, it includes the world’s first digital platform designed specifically for Black women by Black women. They can identify what cancer support they should be getting, choose hospitals that provide equitable care and rate their cancer care.

Judges love the beauty and power of Erase the Line, which animated the equality symbol with a slash going through it — signifying inequality — positioned against women’s breasts. All work is hand-crafted, with a custom-created full typographic family. For each registration, the unequal line is erased a pixel at a time.

The results of the campaign include a 50% increase in trial enrollment by Black women in clinical trials, and 93% of Black women who’ve participated in the Erase The Line program report improved care for their breast cancer. Also, 90% say it improved trust in the medical system standard of care. And major hospitals are signing on to these custom-built equity assessments.


GMHC and FCB Health New York
Slaying Vaccine Hesitancy

Many in the LGBTQIA+ community didn’t trust the COVID-19 vaccine. Those fears were no match for drag-queen activism. Ms. Information set out to “slay myths and serve facts.” The social media blitz addressed community concerns without judgment. LGBTQIA+ individuals now have a 91% vaccination rate, one of the most highly vaccinated demographics.