
Astellas and H4B Chelsea
Neuron Forest

The hot flashes and night sweats that torment most women during menopause have long been disregarded. Healthcare providers are offered little education about menopause in medical school, and often shrug these vasomotor symptoms off. At best, HCP understanding began and ended with the role of estrogen, which has left hormone therapy the gold standard for managing VMS. And at worst, it’s meant that tens of millions of women are untreated.

Zeroing in on this lack of understanding, this sales tool creates a vivid Neuron Forest campaign, set in the hypothalamus. This sophisticated depiction of the new science explains these symptoms, the source of the hot flash and the burden VMS places on women. Eight in 10 women have these symptoms. And seven out of 10 go untreated. 

Targeting obstetricians, primary care physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, it explains the complex mechanisms and causes of VMS. Detailed videos show these mechanisms in action. The tool has plenty of user-oriented quick links to content, allowing reps to “choose their own adventure” when discussing. 

The reps can present information through different formats such as video, infographics or a Q&A. That allows reps to tailor their conversations around HCPs’ time and interests. Interstitials throughout are designed for a deeper dive into specific content, such as why VMS impacts more women of color.

This tool stands out by providing sales reps with a clear, compelling and engaging way to educate target HCPs on the burden of VMS and by giving providers a better understanding of these debilitating symptoms.


Chemocentryx and Havas San Francisco
A launch CVA for a Standout New Therapy — Tavneos

Despite having a core understanding of ANCA-associated vasculitis, only a small percentage of physicians knew its pathophysiology. In introducing Tavneos, a first-in-class drug, Chemocentryx brings this information to life via a vasculitic birdcage. The escape of the brightly colored bird represents a bright future. Early results for the tool have been strong.