
NYU Langone Health and Deloitte Digital 
The Return Visit

What makes this sweeping digital overhaul of a leading health system so impressive, our judges say, is not just the technology. It’s that it designed so many of the changes primarily to benefit patients — a rarity in healthcare.

It implemented systems and training that made it easy for patients to connect and access their care at a time when telehealth still seemed novel. It had to make doctors’ visits accessible anywhere, anytime. So it shifted the way it runs practices and trains staff, enabling access and communication from remote check-ins and virtual visits.

To fight fear, the communications processes had to become more proactive and earnest and generate deeper insights. And it had to move faster, reflecting fast-changing information about COVID-19. When the effort started, approving patient communications was a four-week process. After launching Salesforce Marketing Cloud, which used these communications were ready to go in 48 hours.

It developed creative campaigns specifically to address patient fears. Therapeutic principles of color theory and immersive sound design employed tested techniques to reduce anxieties and build patient confidence. 

New CRM journeys were defined so that every patient with any disease, at any age, could get the right communications.

Within days, appointments increased by 77% between the pilot program and the first CRM campaign, with 755,000 appointments booked within 72 hours of CRM email opens. The Return Visit changed the patient experience and how NYULH operates to care for patients and save lives.


AstraZeneca and 21Grams
The Big Sneeze Campaign

This inventive campaign broke new ground, convincing U.K. residents to get flu vaccines for their kids. Running in cinemas, it included planting fake coughers in the audience and spritzing customers when the girl in the ad sneezes. It generated millions of interactions, and Manchester’s flu vaccination rates, which had been the lowest in the U.K., climbed 12.7%.