When choosing a celebrity product spokesperson in thescrutinized world of pharmaceutical communications, it’s essential that greatcare and consideration is put into the selection.

It’s not enough for a celebrity to resonate with your targetmarket. Celebrity spokespeople need an organic connection to the disease stateand a true desire to raise awareness, diagnosis and treatment of the disorder.In our current media landscape, consumers look for relevant testimonials theycan identify with and trust. With these elements, in conjunction withappropriate timing for your brand, you have an ideal opportunity for aspokesperson campaign.

At Shire, when we were ready to raise awareness of ADHD andthe importance of treatment, we saw an ideal scenario upon meeting celebritydesigner Ty Pennington. Diagnosed in college and treated with one of Shire’sADHD medications, he was just getting involved with ABC’s Extreme Makeover:Home Edition and was interested in opportunities to speak about his condition.Medication has improved his ability to focus, and this is a key reason for hiscontinued success.

Pennington has worked with Shire for the past four years ona variety of initiatives, including telling his personal ADHD story to millionsof Americans with our annual “ADHD Experts on Call” event. Both the media andconsumers have embraced his connection with ADHD, and this consistently resultsin positive coverage.

In embarking on a celebrity campaign, it is imperative tofind a genuine personality who reinforces the product message through theirpersonal and professional life – one who can embrace the cause and not merelybe a poster boy for a disorder.

Michael Boken is senior product director of Vyvanse, thenext generation of ADHD treatment, at Shire Pharmaceuticals