In fewer than three years at Amgen, Danielle Dowling has established herself as a talented marketer who challenges conventional industry thinking. Prior to her recent promotion to consumer marketing director of the cholesterol drug Repatha, she was the senior marketing manager on the Aimovig consumer team, where she developed Amgen’s first Facebook campaign.

In 2018, Dowling played a critical role in the launch of Aimovig, a preventative migraine treatment. She spearheaded the drug’s disease awareness campaign, which was largely responsible for the company’s ability to build a database of more than 230,000 patients by the time of the therapy’s launch.

What’s more, within 48 hours of Aimovig’s approval, she had executed the launch of a website, complete with the information and tools patients needed to initiate conversations with their doctors. The subsequent email campaign achieved a 40% open rate, double the industry benchmark. 

Most recently, Dowling led the development of Amgen’s first branded mission-based campaign, which challenges misconceptions around migraine that can leave patients feeling misrepresented and misunderstood. “Danielle has a passion for driving innovation to improve the relationship between pharma companies and the people they serve,” said Brian Webster, VP of business development at Health Union, a client.

Prior to Amgen, Dowling worked at Johnson & Johnson, where she assisted a wide range of brands, including Splenda and Neutrogena’s Body, Hair and Sun care business.