Kaye began her career as a junior editor at the healthcare agency FCB Health; she didn’t last long in that position, however, as she was quickly promoted to junior copywriter, working across multiple accounts.  

Following a copywriter position at Sentrix Health Communications, where she worked on the Abilify account, she joined Heartbeat as a copy supervisor in 2016. In the subsequent years, Kaye has more than proven her abilities. Now the agency’s creative director, she leads the entire Genentech portfolio. 

Her stellar work on this front has been noticed and rewarded. To name just one example, she was part of the team that won the 2018 PM360 ELITE 100 award for its work on Genentech’s multiple sclerosis HCP campaign. 

Kaye’s accomplishments are even more impressive when you consider her career is just getting started. Age isn’t everything, of course, but it’s worth noting that Kaye is the youngest creative director in Heartbeat’s history. What’s more, her accomplishments extend beyond pure professional achievements: a compassionate and inspirational leader, she truly cares about the wellbeing of her team members.

“Meghan brings her talent, her imposing intellect, and an iconoclastic personality — her full self — to every engagement, every line of copy she writes, and every personal interaction with client or comrade,” said Jared Watson, Heartbeat’s director of marketing. “She is, quite frankly, a superstar.”