Pam Caputo leads media and engagement at Precisioneffect in Boston. Hired in 2016 as the healthcare agency’s sole media strategist, within four years she had built an entire media team. On the surface, her job — to ensure clients’ messages reach their intended audience — sounds simple. 

In reality, ensuring consumers pay attention to information about their enzyme replacement therapy, for example, or that busy, bombarded physicians interact with HCP content is no cakewalk. Luckily, Caputo is up to the challenge, inspiring her team to create inventive, compelling content and then use data to refine the delivery strategy.

To name just one example: Caputo supervised the media strategy that underwrote the agency’s Cologuard direct-to-consumer campaign. Today, a Cologuard test is performed every 11 seconds, and 90% of its sales have been attributed to the DTC campaign.  

“It’s hard to overstate Pam’s impact on Precisioneffect and our clients,” said Carolyn Morgan, president of Precisioneffect. “While we’re all a little disturbed by how accurately she can target very specific populations, she’s able to translate it all into language and concepts any marketer can understand. And that ability has garnered our clients significant sales.”

Caputo got her start working at traditional media agencies, where she became an expert on using media tools and data sources such as Nielsen, MRI and Kantar to create demographic and psychographic consumer profiles.