To hear Deloitte Digital agency offering lead Mark Singer tell it, one of the year’s most interesting trends was the increasing convergence between healthcare and consumer marketing techniques.

“The biggest theme among new clients is that they are thinking about healthcare as consumer-driven marketing,” he explains. “The science is the table stakes.”

That, Singer believes, plays very much to Deloitte Digital’s strengths. “What they are looking for is what differentiates us: the experience, the personalized care, the capabilities and how we think about equity and content,” he adds.

To that last point, Deloitte Digital recently established the Deloitte Health Equity Institute to drive change in and around the industry. Singer sees “a sense of purpose” as one of healthcare’s main selling points for would-be employees and believes drawing connections between equity, sustainability and healthcare should be central to the company’s mission.

“It is no secret that environmental and sustainability issues always have a downstream impact on health and wellness,” Singer explains. “The Institute helps clients create the right content and level of engagement through community collaboration, analytics and insights.” 

Deloitte Digital saw revenue jump 40% in 2021, to $374 million from $267 million in 2020. Head count spiked from 1,299 full-timers at the start of the year to 1,753 at the end of it.

Along the way, the company grew via acquisition. In June 2021, it snapped up Awesome TLV, which specializes in brand/product animation, experience design and creative asset development. In November, it added Madras Global, a content production and marketing automation shop. 

Notable executive additions included Dr. Kulleni Gebreyes, director of the Deloitte Health Equity Institute and head of the firm’s healthcare consulting practice; healthcare agency offering lead Joanna Ruiz; chief creative officer Leslie Sims; and head of content, social and influencer Kenny Gold. 

Singer and Ruiz report many highlights among the agency’s 2021 client engagements, notably an omnichannel brand campaign on behalf of NYU Langone Health.

“The work leverages our consulting depth and combines that with the creative talent we have in-house,” Ruiz says. “We delivered an incredible turn for the brand in terms of perception and revenue, plus appointments are up more than 150%.”

Singer, on the other hand, points to Deloitte’s work with Gateway Health, which involved the creation of a new brand identity focused on health equity and whole care. 

As for potential areas of growth, Singer notes medtech and hospital/provider solutions. Of the latter area, he says, “It is experiencing a dynamic transformation. There is consolidation, growth and acceleration in terms of capabilities around care and loosening regulations, including telehealth.”

In the medtech realm, Ruiz senses a new open-mindedness among clients. “We are seeing a lot of brands transition to DTC for the first time; they are hiring their first CMOs,” she explains. “They are establishing a new business model, so they need to figure out how to communicate with their consumers. We’re here to help guide them through the process.” 

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Fast grocery delivery services have revolutionized home delivery. These services cut out the middleman, creating accessible “one-stop” shops. One company even has warehouses all over urban centers; they own all the merchandise and are gaining momentum now with 30-minute delivery. These services do away with the need to leave the home (or dorm, or wherever). Their business model gives them the ability to offer the same products as a convenience store, with much less overhead. — Joanna Ruiz, healthcare agency offering lead