No one wants to talk about digestive issues. Some people go to significant lengths to avoid the subject, even with their healthcare providers, while others create additional health issues by self-medicating. Convincing them to speak with their physicians requires undoing years of societal conditioning.

But a longtime client recently charged Purohit Navigation with just such an assignment: getting people to talk about HIV-related diarrhea with their doctor. Complicating matters even further was a need to reach individuals occupying the HCP/care coordinator role, who are critical to the success of initiatives of this kind.

“Success with this campaign required so much more than just a safe and efficacious product,” recalls Purohit Navigation CEO and president Anshal Purohit. “It extended to thinking about the psychographics of the patient, their desire for and comfort with self-advocacy, and how we can galvanize points of intervention to really drive them to speak up.”

Purohit considers her agency’s origins in market research the secret sauce behind much of its success over the past 38 years. Because Purohit Navigation’s teams focus on behavioral science and mapping, they know that success or failure often hinges on their ability to change ingrained behavior — such as, well, not talking about diarrhea.

Purohit Navigation’s revenue was down a tick in 2022, to an MM+M-estimated $18.5 million from last year’s estimate of $19 million. The firm counts Octapharma, Star Therapeutics and Jaguar Health among its client mainstays.

Most of the company’s recent growth has come from existing clients (the sum reached 88% in 2022). Head count was flat at 50 full-timers.

The pandemic effected lasting change in the way Purohit Navigation works and collaborates. Once everyone was plunged into the strange new world of fully remote work, the lines between teams — for instance, creative and strategy — started to blur. Not surprisingly, the company saw an uptick in client satisfaction as well as in the work product itself.

In 2022, Purohit Navigation made some of those changes permanent. In addition to the company remaining fully remote, team silos have largely been demolished. 

“We solidified and expanded the structure of our strategy practice in 2022 and focused on the collaboration and integration of that team with our creative teams,” Purohit reports. “I feel that we gained real traction against this in 2022 and am very proud of the work, and the team dynamics, that have resulted.”

When asked about her expectations for the rest of 2023 and beyond, Purohit simply responds, “More of the same.” Owing in large part to the almost-post-pandemic gains in staff collaboration and client service, she believes the agency is on track both to grow and to keep its people content and engaged.

“I’m very proud of and happy with the path we’re on,” Purohit says. “We will continue our growth and focus on strong solutions — and on delivering beyond expectation.”

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Our marketing role model…

We don’t have a singular marketing role model. We each take inspiration from our colleagues, clients and friends, as well as great leaders and artists throughout history. We apply what we learn and continue seeking the best solutions and future for our firm. — Purohit

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