David Ormesher
CEO, closerlook

A physician’s most precious commodity is time. An office’s no-see restriction for reps is often because previous encounters wasted the doc’s time. How to gain facetime? Increase a doctor’s efficiency.

Two time-intensive activities that could benefit from industry-sponsored solutions: diagnostic support and patient education. Technology can help with both. Mobile symptom trackers can provide relevant data to the physician to inform a quicker diagnosis.

As for patient education, pharma needs to rethink an approach that will benefit patients and physicians. Technology is at work here, too.

In both cases, pharma canraise expectations and achieve the ultimate: better physician/patient communication and results. This will earn the right for improved relationships between sales rep and HCP.

R.J. Lewis
President & CEO, e-healthcare Solutions

“No see” and “can’t see” physicians segments are a growing challenge for marketers.  There are several forms of non-personal digital promotions that address this challenge and provide a presence in front of this important audience.  Some tactics we recommend to clients include the use of targeted email campaigns, as well as authenticated targeted online display media.  Additionally, geo-targeting messages to regions by zip code, MSA or DMA on medical journal and association sites relevant to the audience is another option.  Finally, tactics may also include eDetailing, case studies or message-oriented research surveys. For any tactic employed, the key is to achieve a measurable level of exposure and engagement with such users that will adequately replace the impact of the sales force.

Neal Bhatia, MD, FAAD
Associate clinical professor, Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

The ban on sales reps in academia, hospital health systems or other settings has become problematic,  but there are ways to improve the physician-rep relationship:

Stay professional; come in with a targeted, focused message, such as a new study or an upcoming medical education program; make an appointment instead of dropping in with an excuse; bring a science liaison when the topic is about an off-label indication; let your product’s data speak for itself. Don’t compare it with other drugs unless asked; don’t speak negatively about the competitor. Difficult-to-see physicians usually don’t like sales pitches. In this era of greater restrictions on sharing information with physicians, pharma must focus on creating a positive relationship. It’s much more productive than dealing with restrictions.

Chris Green
Director, CRM, Greater Than One  

A refused sales visit doesn’t necessarily indicate a lack of interest; HCPs simply want information on their terms. The key is to work within the parameters set by HCPs through their behaviors, then offer information across every touch point in a manner aligned with those preferences. This challenge lives in our CRM group.  Our approach to CRM is rooted in data-driven empathy—using data to gain insights into human nature that yield a deeper understanding of the state of mind of HCPs, to then serve their needs and shape their behavior. This allows our brands to maintain mindshare in step with HCP motivations.  

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