Matt Brown, who served as general manager of ICC Lowe since joining the full-service IPG network in 2012, told MM&M today that he has stepped down from that role to join indie network GuideMark Health as CEO.

“It’s something I’ve been thinking about about for a while,Brown said of the move. “I’ve wanted to be involved with a privately held company.”

GuideMark Health is a network of agencies that includes Convergent, Crossings Media, MDP, QD Healthcare Group and Tricore.

According to Brown, Steve Viviano, CEO of ICC Lowe, will fill his prior role for the foreseeable future. ICC Lowe was not available for comment at press time.

Brown was hired by the Interpublic Group network nearly two years ago to lead ICC Lowe’s main office and its medical-device division. He had previously been president of inVentiv digital shop Ignite Health. ICC Lowe executives reported double-digit revenue growth for 2013.