Abbott has launched a series of podcasts, or “Crohn’s Casts,” offering information and insights into Crohn’s disease. 
The podcasts—which feature clinical information from health professionals and testimony from Crohn’s sufferers—are located on an unbranded website, explained Michelle Johnson, manager, public affairs, at Abbott, though patients have “opportunities to get additional information.” “This is the first time [Abbott] has used podcasts to create awareness for a disease,” said Johnson, adding that the company will “evaluate results when the series is finished, and assess the feedback.”
Abbott markets Humira, a tumor necrosis factor blocker, for the treatment of Crohn’s disease. A link to the Crohn’s Casts website can be found on the product page for Humira.
The Crohn’s disease podcasts are a valuable source of information for both patients and physicians, since the general public isn’t as familiar with the disease, notes Johnson. 
“People with Crohn’s disease suffer from symptoms they don’t necessarily want to talk about,” like digestive difficulties, said Johnson. Crohn’s disease is most often diagnosed in patients between the ages of 15 and 35—another reason podcasts make sense, according to Johnson. “People are going online, and they are looking for trusted resources,” she said.