Rainbird Technologies, a U.K.-based artificial intelligence company, chose Klick Health to be its exclusive North American life sciences partner, the company announced Monday morning. 

As part of the partnership, the 2023 MM+M Agency 100 honoree said it will team its data capabilities with Rainbird’s AI-powered Decision Intelligence automation platform to support life sciences clients across the continent. 

Through Rainbird’s Decision Intelligence platform, which is currently utilized by the National Health Service in the U.K., Klick said it plans on enhancing patient data analysis, optimizing clinical trial designs and navigating a highly regulated landscape. 

The agency added that Decision Intelligence relies on a “top down” approach beginning with policies as well as procedures and how they relate before moving on to approval decisions. 

Klick stated that this approach is more useful for modern life sciences brands than the traditional machine learning systems that work “bottom up” based on past approvals since it incorporates changes as they happen and provides greater accuracy.

“We’re thrilled to join forces with Klick Health to drive exponential value in life sciences commercialization,” Rainbird CEO James Duez said in a statement. “With our decision intelligence platform and Klick’s deep industry expertise, we are delivering trusted and transparent solutions in an era where explainability of AI is now critical. Together, we are empowering the next generation of solutions for life science clients.” 

Klick EVP of applied sciences Alfred Whitehead said the partnership will “usher in a new era of data-driven pharma commercialization,” adding that its impact in other sectors will be replicated in the life sciences space.

The Rainbird announcement is the latest one for Klick this fall as it continues to lean further into opportunities around AI and innovative technologies.

In mid-November, the firm rolled out its generative AI tool Genome Perspective, which is built on GPT-4 and utilizes Klick’s proprietary database, as a way to improve project planning and overcome repetitive parts of the process.

Genome Perspective debuted two months after Klick unveiled its free ChatGPT plug-in for U.S. life sciences companies. An improved version of KlickRx, using OpenAI’s GPTs, soft launched a few weeks ago as well.

Additionally, Klick’s research was published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health, about an AI model it created to detect type 2 diabetes in patients using 10 seconds of voice.