PixelsnPillsCompany Profile
Pixels & Pills is a collaborative effort between Palio and Zemoga that leverages Palio’s experience in the healthcare industry and Zemoga’s digital marketing expertise to help healthcare and pharmaceutical companies capitalize on the power of digital communications, user-generated content, and social media technology. Pixels & Pills is designed to help clients deliver enhanced patient experiences that inspire trust and brand loyalty, while addressing regulatory issues. We take on the challenges and concerns of our industry—regulations, clinical and scientific data, efficacy and compliance—and provide much needed practical solutions while also leading with long-term strategies to minimize the challenges ahead.

Services and Offerings
Pixels & Pills offers “all things digital” design, strategy and consulting specifically tailored to the pharmaceutical community, including:

  • Strategic planning and consulting
  • Media planning
  • Creative design
  • Digital media tool creation such as 3-D environments and augmented reality
  • Social media and mobile application development
  • Program testing and measurement
  • Industry observation and reporting through our award-winning blog

The Pixels & Pills blog (pixelsandpills.com) recently won the Bronze 2010 Dose of Digital Dosie Award for our best of category utilization of social media. We’ve led the digital innovation charge with the launch of The Health Tweeder (pixelsandpills.com)—a compelling graphic visualization of the state of Twitter conversations with an easy-to-understand depiction of disease states. And our Pixels & Pills team got the inside scoop from industry leaders with on-site news coverage at the FDA Public Hearings on Internet & Social Media—check out the videos on pixelsandpills.com.