For all the talk about the deleterious effect of pandemic life on our collective mental health, no single study had fully quantified it and broken it down by profession, household income and caregiver status until the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention embarked on a large-scale survey in late June. The results, as witnessed below, paint a picture of a country coping with yet another crisis — and an under-covered and likely under-treated one.

Anxiety, depressive disorders, substance use and suicidal ideation are all up among U.S. adults. Essential workers and unpaid adult caregivers rank among the most affected populations.

Very little about the country’s response to COVID-19 has landed anywhere in the neighborhood of optimal. With every passing day, an intensified focus on mental health seems less like a luxury than a necessity.

*Click image to enlarge

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Mental Health, Substance Use and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” 5,470 respondents in the U.S. (2,784 women and 2,676 men) completed surveys during the week of June 24-30, 2020.