Women are now leaving the workforce at four times the rate of men. What needs to be done to alleviate this? 

Giving women the right and drive to stay in the workforce starts long before they consider stepping off the merry-go-round. Leaders truly lead when they foster skills and confidence, absolutely requisite to keep women headed upward. 

Who was your mentor and what are you now doing to send the elevator back down?

My mentor wasn’t a woman. Bruce Lehman believed I could do things I wasn’t sure I could, and some things I really didn’t want to do. Those not-so-desirable roles were critical to building my appreciation for the disparate talents that make up a successful agency. 

The better part of my day is coaching, helping the amazing women and men who work in our organization recognize their unique talents and powers, to find joy and personal growth in the work. 

What is your golden rule at work?

Each of us is responsible for creating the environment. Bring curiosity, energy and joy and you’ll get that back many times.  

How have you coped with the unique challenges of the past 12 months?

Running five miles outside, every day, very early in the morning. Even in the frigid cold. It’s remarkably clarifying and I feel so self-righteous for the rest of the day! 

What are the first things you plan to do when the pandemic ends?

Take my daughters on a trip to Greece. Visit every single friend. Restart a quest to hike in every single national park.