Meet the Speakers


Alexandra Philip Reeves (left), Co-founder of conversationHEALTH and Lexi Kaplin (right), Chief Product Officer, speakers at the HealthSpark 2018 panel called, “Are Chatbots the Future of Healthcare?”

MIT Hacking Medicine, JUICE Pharma Worldwide, Abelson Taylor and HCB Health have partnered up to introduce an exciting new event about the future of health tech.  HealthSpark 2018 will be an official event at the SXSW Interactive Festival and will take place at MAX’s Wine Dive on March 11th and 12th in Austin, Texas.

What will you be discussing during your talk at HealthSpark 2018?

Lexi: One of the key topics will be the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and health, coming at it from the perspective of all the diverse groups in attendance—from technology to healthcare marketing to Pharma.

Specifically, we’ll be discussing how AI and messaging in chatbots can be used to change the way we communicate, and how it can be used to engage and activate patients in a way that all these different groups can actually relate to. We have to ask ourselves how can we drive this relationship, and how can we make it feel authentic?

Will AI technology ever advance to the point where patients feel like they’re talking to a human being?

Lexi: That’s interesting because, in many cases, patients like the idea that they’re talking to a chatbot, and not a human. In the case of sensitive health matters, there is a nonjudgmental quality to the bot experience, which patients find appealing. 

Do you think Pharma will adopt AI chatbots in a meaningful way?

Alexandra: I think Pharma has really struggled with getting users to the digital platforms. Sure, there have been some successes, but largely failures with web and app. We can take AI and turn it into a success for this industry. Right now, AI is a big buzzword.  It’s our job to demystify it.

Why should your brands want to take advantage of chatbot technology?

Alexandra: First of all, they don’t want to be the last in the game—when there is a clear benefit to early adopters. Second, people recognize that their healthcare experiences can resemble other industries, like shopping. Even though it’s a regulated environment, the consumer or patient expects to have the same kind of experience.

Anything else about your talk in Austin that people should know?

Lexi:  As Alexandra mentioned, AI is such a huge buzzword right now, and it means a lot and very little—all at the same time—just because it does refer to such a large ecosystem.

And so, one of the big things that we’re going to be doing during our talk is take the fear out of AI because it does refer to a lot of things. We’re going to talk about how to use AI in healthcare, how to use human-assisted AI in order to actually fit the traditional dissemination process of information that Pharma uses today. People need to feel this is a relationship driver, because if they aren’t feeling the connection value, they won’t feel the need to engage with the bot.

Join conversationHEALTH and speakers from other innovative companies at the forefront of health tech and digital health at HealthSpark 2018.

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