Over the course of the last decade, the industry trend toward non-personal promotion (NPP) has been impossible to deny. As opposed to traditional, face-to-face marketing and sales tactics, NPP/Multi-Channel (MC) marketing leverages digital technology in combination with other marketing tactics designed to deliver approved messaging to prescribers of interest to supplement or substitute for in-person interactions.

With the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare providers (HCPs) shifted from in-person patient care to telehealth, and in many cases, completely restricted office access to pharmaceutical sales representatives. In a recent survey of biopharma industry leaders, 63% of respondents said that in-person sales rep access was at near zero throughout the course of the COVID-19 pandemic.1 This shift catalyzed an even sharper turn toward NPP/MC, as biopharma companies were quite literally shut out of visiting HCP offices.

As the public health crisis of COVID-19 begins to fade, some of the virtual-care trends brought about by the pandemic are likely to remain. For example, a recent survey found that 75% of HCPs report that it is important or very important to have a full virtual care strategy moving forward.2  With all the advantages of telehealth, the days of a full slate of in-person visits and broad pharma rep office access are likely behind us.

So, the question remains – how can biopharma companies effectively reach HCPs with their approved brand awareness messaging without going into provider offices? The answer: electronic health record (EHR) point-of-care marketing.

Reach HCPs in a channel they use every day

Digital trends come and go, but the one piece of technology vital to a modern provider practice, whether seeing patients in-person or virtually, is the EHR. The use of EHRs is nearly ubiquitous among HCPs: 86% of office-based physicians currently use one in their day-to-day practice.3

What’s more, a study conducted by the Annals of Internal Medicine, found that physicians spend an average of around 16 minutes per patient using their EHR system.4 Let’s say the average HCP sees approximately 20 patients per day, that means they are spending roughly 320 minutes, or nearly five and a half hours, each day in their EHR system.

Placing your approved brand awareness messaging in a channel that receives that much attention from your target audience can be highly impactful.

Deliver highly targeted messaging

While the overall available pool of HCPs using EHRs is quite large, not every EHR offers pharma sponsored advertising opportunities that enable your brand to reach key audiences with relevant messaging. Working with a proven vendor, you can deliver targeted awareness messaging, at scale, to HCPs of interest.

Veradigm TouchPoint Media leverages de-identified, real-time data, allowing your brand awareness messaging to be seen by the HCPs most relevant to your brand or therapeutic area – all in a manner compliant with HIPAA and other applicable laws. While other NPP/MC channels like print, email, and social media deliver the limited ability to target, the targeting available in those channels is not nearly as robust as that available with EHR point-of-care marketing.

Optimal timing and placement

The Annals of Internal Medicine study on EHR use found that HCPs spend 33% of their time within their EHR conducting chart review, 24% doing documentation, and 17% ordering.4  HCPs interact with multiple areas of their EHR systems while engaging with patients before any prescribing decisions are made, so why limit your messaging to a single touch point?

Effective EHR point-of-care marketing allows your brand’s approved messaging to be delivered throughout the course of a patient encounter.*

With point-of-care EHR marketing, you can communicate with HCPs at login, throughout the provider workflow, patient assessment, diagnosis, and before prescribing decisions are made.**

Veradigm TouchPoint Media

Veradigm TouchPoint Media can deliver highly targeted brand awareness messaging in a channel HCPs use every day, throughout the course of patient care, to perfectly complement your NPP marketing mix. Click here to learn more.

* The Practice Fusion EHR displays advertisements in an iframe window that is separate and distinguishable from the clinical and practice management workflow within the EHR.

**No biopharma or device advertisements appear during the prescribing workflow consistent with applicable law.