A study has tied e-cigarettes to lung cancer for the first time. Vapor from e-cigarettes has caused lung cancer and potentially bladder cancer in mice, according to a study from New York University. Researchers concluded that vaping is “likely harmful” to humans, too. (CNBC)

Democratic presidential contender Pete Buttegieg has released his healthcare plan. It would allow people to opt in to a government-backed health insurance option, or let them keep their private insurance plans. His proposal is more moderate than those of other Democratic candidates who have proposed government-run healthcare for all. (CNN)

A quarter of all healthcare spending is wasted, according to research from Humana. The study found that $1 out of every $4 spent on healthcare is being wasted, or between $760 billion and $935 billion annually. (CNBC)

The Trump administration may put changes to the Affordable Care Act on hold until after the election. The fate of the healthcare law is in federal appeals court and may be decided in the coming weeks. However, the White House may ask the court to put its ruling on hold to delay a Supreme Court hearing until after the 2020 election. (Washington Post)

There were seven new cases of measles last week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bringing the total number in 2019 to 1,250. That’s the most since 1992. The disease has been reported in 31 states. (Reuters)