Share a specific example of a POC program that has succeeded in driving better short- and long-term adherence rates than had previously been seen.

omri shor

Omri Shor

CEO and cofounder,

Advanced technologies redefine point-of-care delivery for patients. No longer is care contained within HCP facilities. There’s now potential to incorporate healthcare technology into patients’ everyday lives. 

Even so, treatment adherence and persistence remain challenges, particularly for patients managing chronic diseases or complex medication regimens. Patients need holistic POC support on a daily basis through personalized digital companionship.

Patients who use Medisafe, a digital therapeutic medication companion, receive proactive reminders and personalized interventions, which significantly improve adherence. An IQVIA study found that 70% of nonadherent patients (depression, hypertension and diabetes) became adherent after starting to use Medisafe. 

IQVIA also found that 79% of nonadherent HIV patients increased monthly prescribing reference (MPR) by at least 20% after starting use of Medisafe. Ultimately, digital companions extend the point of care for patients, incorporating their care needs into everyday life, keeping them connected to treatment, and in meaningful communication with HCPs.

David Linetsky

David Linetsky

SVP, life sciences,

Phreesia is the nation’s leading patient intake platform. Using clinical and motivational data to target the most relevant patients with personalized content, Phreesia drives adherence with measurable impact on both initiation and persistence of therapy. Campaigns are integrated into patients’ intake workflows, allowing them to be reached with important, relevant information at a moment of peak receptivity.

In one recent campaign, we engaged 62,000 patients diagnosed with heart failure. A third-party test versus control measurement showed a 370% lift in initiation of therapy and a 22% increase in scripts filled for existing users in the two months post-exposure. Studies have demonstrated that each percentage point increase in adherence to guideline-based therapy has a measurable impact in preventing hospitalizations.

Adherence is a complex problem driven by multiple factors, but highly targeted health engagement solutions delivered at the point of care can play a key role in improving outcomes.

Hudson Plumb

Hudson Plumb

SVP, strategy, EHR and outcomes optimization,

Simply delivering marketing messages on digital wallboards or handing out printed materials at the point of care will never show a meaningful lift in adherence — the in-office experience, where a patient is arguably the most engaged, is just too far removed from the behavioral routines of strict medication compliance.

To keep the engagement going, the two-way communication between patient and provider must also keep going — and Heartbeat’s Connected Patient Service (CPS) application is one of the few efforts on the market that make this possible. 

Currently being piloted by a confidential brand, CPS is a HIPAA-compliant adherence mobile service that connects the doctor and the patient via the EHR. Using a simple, conversational interface, CPS allows patients to log meaningful health and adherence data and transmit it to a physician in real-time. The HCP can monitor progress, course-correct as necessary and have real-world data to respond to during the next office visit.