Steve Madden

It’s always exciting — and if I’m being honest, kind of nerve-wracking — to take on a new job. With unfamiliar roles, responsibilities, and relationships to master, new gigs are the stones on which skills and careers are sharpened. That’s why I’m so excited about my new job as editor-in-chief of MM&M, a position I’ve been in for all of six weeks as we put the last touches on this, our Media Issue.

Such challenges come with any new job, of course. What excites me most about this MM&M gig is that it comes at a time in which medicine and healthcare are at the center of so many national conversations. For someone like me, a reporter at heart, the fact that the CEOs of seven big pharma companies were called to testify before Congress just a few days after I started working here was proof that I had landed in a pretty sweet spot. It was right in MM&M’s wheelhouse, and the whole country was watching.

But medical marketing and media (that’s what those three M’s stand for) is about so much more than just pharma and traditional media as we’ve known it.

We’re witnessing an explosive rate of change in the way healthcare is delivered, and even what people think of as healthcare. Did you ever imagine a day when doctors would suggest patients download mindfulness and meditation apps to help them reduce their blood pressure? Or when patients would be able to schedule a video chat with a doctor from their self-driving cars, and that the doctor would be able to take vital signs from sensors built into the steering wheel? OK, so maybe that one isn’t here quite yet, but it’s pretty close.

When it’s a reality, you’ll learn about it in MM&M, our website, and our many social media outlets. While it’s fashionable for people in new roles to call themselves disruptors, I prefer to think of myself as an enhancer, only improving on the stellar reputation our brand — our thing — has for being the most credible news outlet in the industry. And we’re only going to be better, with expanded coverage of this amazingly dynamic field, and more frequent touchpoints with you, our readers.

So let’s get it started. Got an idea or a tip? Just want to say hi? Go for a bike ride or talk about wine or the Red Sox? Drop me a line: [email protected].