Everyday Health is planting its flag in network television with an ABC show that is being produced by The Biggest Loser creator Mark Koops.
The half-hour show, Everyday Health, will air as part of a three-hour block of programming following Good Morning America on Saturday mornings on 95% of the nation’s ABC affiliate stations, beginning in September.
The concept for the show is Extreme Makeover: Home Edition meets The Doctors, a spokesperson said, and will feature “extraordinary-ordinary” patients who have sought to help others with similar conditions —for example, Jesse Billauer, a surfer rendered quadriplegic by a spinal injury who went on to start Life Rolls On, a division of the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation which helps surfers who have suffered spinal injuries.
The programming block, dubbed “Weekend Adventure,” includes “Jack Hanna’s Wild Countdown” and “Ocean Mysteries,” and is produced by Litton Entertainment, which will manage ad sales and distribution for the show.
“There is not a better partner to create high impact Health and Wellness TV for ‘Litton’s Weekend Adventure’ than Everyday Health,” commented Dave Morgan, CEO of Litton Entertainment.  Broadcast advertising sales and distribution for the half-hour, weekly program will be managed by Litton Entertainment.
Everyday Health co-founders Ben Wolin, CEO, and Mike Keriakos, president, are co-producing the show along with Koops.
“This show will celebrate health-related philanthropy, demonstrating how one person can make a world of difference in someone else’s life,” said Keriakos.
Everyday Health will plug the show through its digital channels, including health and wellness websites, mobile apps and social media, which boast 28 million unique users per month altogether, and the company will create a dedicated site for the show on EverydayHealth.com that will go live in September with supplemental content and video as well as an area for users to submit story ideas.
Everyday Health, which has vied for dominance of the digital health and wellness info space with WebMD, announced that they had launched 23 mobile apps earlier this year.