Despite having the brightest data set of all the oral anticoagulants, the newest one is off to a rocky start. DTC advertising and medical education are under way, but it may take more to revive this launch.
In a year when goliath health portal competitors, Yahoo Health and MSN Health are hemorrhaging visitors, Remedy Health Media is bucking the trend
MM&M 2014 Small Pharma Marketing Team of the Year: Tecfidera
In a year when high hopes around several launches ended up fizzling, the hottest launch story belongs to biotech, with the debut of Biogen Idec’s Tecfidera
MM&M 2014 Large Pharma Marketing Team of the Year: Humira
Intouch Solutions ended 2013 with about $70 million in revenue, and 465 employees—seven times the revenue and nearly five times the number of employees it had five years ago.
The skill, nimbleness and unflagging energy with which Amgen tackled some daunting challenges—plus a rich product pipeline and a surge in 2013 sales—made Amgen MM&M’s Company of the Year