When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I always wanted to be a physician, helping people find answers.

Describe your job in 10 words or fewer.

Strategic, challenging, life-changing, impactful, pioneering, forefront, empowering.

What do you like most about working in healthcare marketing?
The ability to impact or change someone’s life, the opportunity to inform and empower professionals and consumers to make life impacting decisions.

What frustrates you most about working in healthcare marketing?

How hard it is to cut through the noise and reach your target audience, especially when the message has such high potential health impact.

Melissa Gonzales

What would you do if you didn’t do what you do?

I would be a specialty travel concierge.

Pick one: In-office, hybrid or remote work? Why would that be your choice?

Definitely hybrid; I love the productivity and flexibility of remote; however, value the quality and human element of 1:1 interactions and group interactions. I think problems are solved more efficiently in-person.

Who is your hero, and why?

My mom — she managed to raise three amazingly strong daughters from Baby Boomers to Gen X, yet born as a member of the Silent Generation. She worked through her early 70s, she routinely exercised, she had few but great friends, she loved life and she taught me so many great lessons along the way.

What’s something your colleagues don’t know about you?

I once owned a monkey.

What are the three things in your daily workspace that you can’t live without?  Sunlight, “cheaters” and lipstick.

What is your favorite book? What about it resonates strongly with you?

Who Moved My Cheese? by Dr. Spencer Johnson. It is so true that change is constant and either you adapt or you fall behind. It is certainly true throughout my entire life and career! You have to be open to new ideas and ways of doing things or you never pioneer and allow yourself to fail.

Where do you want to be, professionally and personally, 10 years from now? 

Personally, I want to be traveling the world, enjoying time with friends and family and impacting others’ lives positively. Professionally, I plan to be sitting on a few Boards and continuing to advocate for women in the workplace.

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