Can you name the brand? Each month we print part of a popular pharmaceutical product or advertisement, along with some clues to its identity. Readers are invited to name the brand for a chance to win a copy of Medicine Avenue II. Please e-mail your answer to [email protected] or fax 646-638-6150. The deadline is October 31, 2011. The winner will be selected randomly from all the correct entries.

Brand X does its best to stay afloat

This month’s Mystery Brand ( pictured) has had a rather rough time of late, as a cunning plan for surfing past a close competitor’s patent expiration and into continued growth instead dragged it under the waves. Will docs condemn it to the Davy Jones’ Locker of TRx share as a cheaper, tried-and-true alternative sheds its name brand pricing? Well, doctors being creatures of habit, probably not, but at best, they’re looking at a leveling off of new prescriptions and forbidding growth prospects going forward.