Our #LetsFlattenTheCurve initiative asked the public to submit creative campaigns that encourage everyone to practice social distancing in order to flatten the curve. Here are the submissions we have received so far. Share socially to spread the word.

abelson taylor submission letsflattenthecurve

Stephen Neale, AbelsonTaylor

Unofficial COVID-19 Common Sense Poster Series #1

ariela cohen flattenthecurve

Ariela Cohen

You’re not just meeting your friend.





Austin Wei, Biolumina

Get Factcinated


Diane Iler-Smith, Biolumina

Coronavirus doesn’t discriminate. Why do we?


Kyle Grazia, Biolumina

Get Factcinated


Meagan Murphy, Biolumina

Coronavirus doesn’t discriminate. Why do we?

bmkd submission letsflattenthecurve


A multi-platform campaign that includes both web and social elements designed specifically to address the growing anxiety around the coronavirus and mitigate the potential negative emotional impact of social distancing.  We are all in this together. We are BMKD.

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm

closerlook submission letsflattenthecurve

Closerlook team: Dan Morrill, Amy Wolgemuth Bordoni, Teresa Fabila, Jackie Frole, Cecilia Nonis, Lauren Keeling, Rhiannon Damm


Frederick Rescott

6 Feet Apart or 6 Feet Under. Choose wisely.

submission letsflattenthecurve

Darcy Grabenstein



Us Apples miss each other very much and though we are sad we cannot physically be together, we will continue to practice our #socialdistancing and work from home until at least April 20th. #LetsFlattenTheCurve and pledge to stay inside, having virtual happy hours, birthday celebrations, or any other group hangouts in addition to our regularly scheduled meetings.

Health Media Network

Social Distancing Tips


Dana Callow, Anne Leroux, Healthcare Success

Do your part!

Dana Callow, Anne Leroux, Healthcare Success

There’s no we in social distancing.

Health Union

Health Union’s amazing and talented user experience (UX) team created and compiled this beautiful visualization and message that depicts the company’s approach – with the people who participate in our online health communities, with our business partners and, of course, among ourselves – throughout this global pandemic. We are all in this together.

Helix Animation

Know the ways of transmission and as/whenever possible #stayhome & #workfromhome. As part of our social responsibility, HelixAnimation.com made an effort to outline, in a visually compelling way, COVID-19 most common ways of transmission and an artistic representation of the SARS-COV-2 virus causing it. Let’s all help and do our part in #flatteningthecurve and tackling #covid19 global challenge!

Lauren Brooks, Intouch Solutions

Let’s stand together by staying apart.



Flattening the curve begins with flattening your own curve. Head to stayinsidesavelives.com to pledge to stay home and stop the spread of coronavirus.

close talker submission letsflattenthecurve

Jonathan Retano

Jack Hyndman, MedThink Communications

Six feet saves lives.




Molly Morgoslepov

Vikash Kumar, Ogilvy and Mather

Mallory Diamond, Partners and Napier

Social distancing is a critical part of inhibiting the spread of COVID-19. The integrated “Six Feet Saves” campaign primarily targets often-underserved populations, including urban, Latino and hearing-impaired people, with a broad message that is simple and empowering: “Stay Home or Stay Six Feet Apart.” The work includes radio and TV spots, digital, social media, and an out-of-home blitz that includes traditional media and guerrilla marketing elements, all available in English and Spanish. This campaign is free for any community or organization to download at SixFeetSaves.org.


The PatientPoint Content & Creative team is continually developing and deploying new, CDC- and WHO-sourced coronavirus content like this for our digital signage network. We’re in constant communication with providers and hospitals and are making our education available for download and use to ALL providers—regardless of whether they have our solutions installed—for use on their social media and other communication channels.

Pivot Design

Pivot Design

Pivot Design

lauren gilbert letsflattenthecurve

Sensified, LLC

Lisa Fisher, Simpson Healthcare

Stay put, slow spread.

Oliver Portmann, Snow Companies

I AM PATIENT – A global UGC campaign to explain why we all need to be patient and stay home

Spectrum Science

Beat the Sit Out of COVID-19 is a public health message from Spectrum Science.


Strategic Marketing

During these trying times, it’s important to transmit kindness, spread responsibility and quarantine fear. To our clients, friends and followers: we will get through this.


Do your part by staying apart.

The 3 Productions

Your soap is happiest when it’s being used! Remember to wash those hands as you continue to #stayhome #LetsFlattenTheCurve

tjphealthcare submission letsflattenthecurve

Tom Paradise, TJP Healthcare


Wilson Dow Group

Our business and our culture has been and will always be #peoplefirst. As we check in on our people, we’re encouraging you to do the same. Stay safe, stay at home, and stay connected.


Wunderman Thompson Health