Real-world data show the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are 94% effective at preventing hospitalizations among the elderly. Among older individuals who received a single shot, the vaccines were 64% effective at preventing hospitalizations. (CNBC Weekly)

New research revealed that COVID-19 long-haulers are more likely to be prescribed opioids. The data raises fears among experts that people suffering from long-term symptoms of COVID-19 may have a higher risk of opioid addiction. (Kaiser Health News)

Pfizer has acquired Amplyx Pharmaceuticals and its lead antifungal drug, fosmanogepix. The drug is currently in Phase II trials examining safety and efficacy in treating invasive fungal infections. (Endpoints News)

The U.S. has upped the price of its contract for Moderna’s vaccine to $1.25 billion. The additional funds are meant to cover costs around real-world studies. (Reuters)

Trillium Therapeutics announced new clinical trials that will investigate cancer drugs that target a “don’t eat me” signal in tumors. But earlier studies showed that higher doses of the drugs didn’t lead to better results. (STAT)