Since joining Mesmerize in 2009, Craig Mait has been instrumental in growing the company from a small organization of just 10 people to a firm of nearly 100 employees, making the company a much larger player in the point-of-care space. The longest-tenured employee at the company, Mait has grown the sales team to include 10 national sellers; he’s also onboarded more than 10 revenue-driving partnerships that have allowed Mesmerize’s clients to reach patients beyond the traditional points of care — including laboratory diagnostics centers, medical imaging centers, hospitals and retail settings with public-use biometric health kiosks.

Mait was the first POC executive to address the health literacy gap in lower-income demographics and shepherded the expansion of Mesmerize’s footprint to include AIDS service organizations, community-based organizations and community pharmacies. Mait has been a driving force for positive change in the industry, leading the charge on transparency and helping to elevate POC from a $250 million to a $1 billion-plus media channel in 2022.