New York-based marketing and communications shop 120/80 MKTG announced that it will restructure as an organization under a single entity: 120/80 Group.

The firm announced the organizational change Tuesday morning, including the unveiling of an AI-focused specialty group. Silicon Valley-based A0x3 will serve as 120/80 Group’s AI-focused brand and consultancy offering.

As part of the 120/80 restructuring, the organization also announced a series of personnel moves to bolster its leadership team.

120/80 MKTG co-founder Jen Long has been named MP, chief client officer of 120/80 MKTG, Mike Fay will serve as MP, chief client officer of AOx3 and Gary Grates will helm 120/80 Group as president. Grates has an extensive history in advertising agency leadership, having held positions at Real Chemistry, a 2023 MM+M Agency 100 honoree, Edelman and GCI Consulting.

120/80 Group CEO Rob Cronin told MM+M that the agency spent the first five years of existence largely flying under the radar and is now ready to continue pursuing its growth trajectory in a more public way.

He said the concept of housing its subsidiaries – which he called “centers of excellence” – under a mothership is appealing to clients since it will allow them access to the firm’s broader set of services as well as its specialized offerings. 

Whether that’s working with life sciences companies, health plans or hospitals on their respective needs, the larger organization will support those interests.

Leaning into AI

Meanwhile, Cronin noted, AOx3 is being rolled out as a direct response to the even greater specialization occurring within healthcare innovation.

“AI is a new phenomenon to a lot of people and so it’s a market that is developing extremely fast and we are seizing the opportunity to ride that wave,” he said. 

AOx3 will have a team of about a dozen industry veterans led by Fay, who is seeking to leverage their collective longitudinal experience of where AI has been in healthcare to avoid the mistakes of innovative projects in the past. 

Cronin noted that like 120/80 MTKG, AOx3 will have a similar mission to improve the brand awareness of clients through earned media, thought leadership and content strategies that serve to fill the funnel, create demand and help drive the business forward.

“[AOx3’s mission] starts with that deep understanding of what the AI trajectory is in healthcare, where that narrative is headed and making sure that we’re guiding our clients accordingly,” he said.

With an eye on the future, Cronin said he expects the organization to expand its digital health and innovation efforts, adding that he anticipates the organization’s portfolio to reflect continued investment in the AI space.

Join the club

On a high level, 120/80 became the latest agency to centralize its offerings and capabilities under a refined brand identity during the past year.

In early 2023, Calcium, a 2023 MM+M Agency honoree, launched Calcium+Company, an overarching structure to house its diversified divisions. The firm also debuted PRotein, a full-service health and wellness PR division housed under Calcium+Company.

Over the summer, Omnicom Health Group unveiled a network rebranding coinciding with the one-year anniversary of CEO Matt McNally’s tenure.

Shortly thereafter, AbelsonTaylor, another 2023 MM+M Agency 100 honoree, announced the establishment of AbelsonTaylor Group, which will be the parent company for the firm’s various healthcare businesses.