For the first time since COVID descended on us, we might’ve tipped the scales on the side of risk. The occasion was, predictably, our son’s birthday party.

We mandated masks. We pared down the guest list to his soccer teammates, with whom he’s been congregating four times a week since late August, and a trio of classmates. We found a company willing to set up gaming consoles and flat screens in our (open! with fans spinning!) garage. We even arranged to drive most of the kids to the soccer game that followed the party, so as to minimize the number of parents milling about.

And yet. There were still more than 10 people congregated in a quasi-indoor setting. Distancing dropped below six feet at times. The masks came off for pizza and cupcakes.

I realize that this is a far cry from the what-pandemic? mentality that will infect the country, literally, on Thanksgiving Day. At the same time, rules are rules and we cherry-picked. Not entirely cool.

This week’s Haymarket Media Coronavirus Briefing is 1,406 words and will take you seven minutes to read. 

The shots

Here’s a hopeful thought: That the COVID-era heroism of the scientific and research communities will prompt more young people to pursue careers in related disciplines. One senses that the other potential career option boosted by the events of the last nine months – aesthetic curation of Zoom backgrounds – might fade before too long.

The takeaway

Vaccines: They’re real, and they’re spectacular.

biden at podium
Source: Getty

The front-liners

The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines leadership as “the act or an instance of leading.” Biden Administration, physicians and scientists, do your thing.

The takeaway

The front line will remain a dangerous, demanding place to work.

Source: Getty

The action items

The pandemic has forced us to raise our time-management game. In case you haven’t already, add “prioritizing” to your list of must-have skills for every person with whom you spend a non-zero amount of time.

The takeaway

Keep your eyes on the prize and ignore as much of the noise as possible. The mute button is your friend.

seniors eating
Source: Getty

The giving of thanks

I love Thanksgiving, because it is all about family and self-engorgement via foodstuffs. This year, alas, we’ll be home eating at our own table, sleeping in our own beds, trading in the early wakeup/packed parkways for a leisurely stroll down the stairs… Wait, where was I going with this?

The takeaway

Thanksgiving won’t be what it usually is. That doesn’t mean it will be a letdown or that the disappointment will linger. It’ll be back, and probably a lot faster than the two teams playing in the late-afternoon game (zing!).

The rest

Stuff you can do

Volunteer on Thanksgiving Day at a soup kitchen, food bank or food pantry.

Send a responsible if perhaps indelicately stated message by wearing a t-shirt. STEVE – THE SHIRT SAYS “WEAR A MASK, DUMBASS!”

…and some songs.

That’s all for this week’s Haymarket Media Coronavirus Briefing. We’ll be back with a holiday-week, non-pumpkin-spiced edition on Wednesday, November 25. Be safe and well, everyone.