After waiting out a protracted vaccine approval process, Elmo has finally received his first COVID-19 shot. This week, Elmo rolled up his… well, less a sleeve than a tuft of fur… and experienced the “little pinch” of the vaccine jab.

In a PSA jointly produced by Sesame Workshop, the Ad Council and the COVID-19 Vaccine Education Initiative, Elmo and his dad — that’s Louie, for those of you who haven’t taken a stroll down The Street since your own little ones graduated to Paw Patrol — recounted their experience. The PSA addresses Elmo’s reaction to the shot as well as Louie’s own trepidation about safety.

“With help from Elmo and his dad Louie, we want to model real conversations, encourage parents’ questions and help children know what to expect,” said Jeanette Betancourt, SVP of U.S. social impact at Sesame Workshop, in a statement.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics consulted on the PSA. The AAP’s data suggest the need for more education and/or persuasion: As of June 22, only 29% of kids aged 5 to 11 had been fully vaccinated.