Digital Marketing Team
Worldwide Clinical Trials

Despite having a staff of only eight, the digital marketing team at Worldwide Clinical Trials continues to surpass expectations.

In 2017, the judges were impressed by the team’s hard work and collaboration, which resulted in 517 sales worth $1.38 billion, more than 400% above its goal. It also increased lead generation by 66% and visits to the company website skyrocketed 85% year over year.

“Great use of online and social media to efficiently and effectively drive results,” said one judge.

The team decided to expand its search engine marketing reach outside of the U.S. last year, adding 11 more countries to the mix. Along with reworking its copy to improve quality score and ad relevance, the expansion helped generate 90 sales opportunities that totaled $136 million in value.

Along with the giant spike in sales, the team has managed to grow its social media followers throughout every channel. For the year, the group has seen a 1,700% increase in followers. To keep the growth going, the members post to social channels on a daily basis with thought leadership content, industry news, blogs, research articles, and company produced media.

The company website,, includes real-time chat capabilities with team members, which is cutting edge in the industry. The website also recruited more than 12,000 clinical trial volunteers in 2017 and generated more than $273 million in sales.


Digital Marketing Team
Worldwide Clinical Trials

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