What trends do you expect to see this year at Lions Health?

I expect to see more engagement-driven campaigns using better and more targeted use of technology. I also expect to see a more invested use of craft in art direction and the commissioning of original material. This echoes clients’ desire for more originality in owning the image, instead of relying on generic library use.

What was the ROI for putting a McCann Health smiley face on the steps of the Palais in 2015?

Great PR. Loads of viral social coverage. Many people, including those who were not connected to the festival, like tourists, took photos. Our smiley face was loved and tagged.

Who is one speaker not to be missed?

There are two. Danny Trachtenberg and Alison Jackson. [Trachtenberg is  the director of JJ Abrams’ new film, “10 Cloverfield Lane.” Jackson is an artist. Both are speaking during McCann Health’s “Fighting For Your Creative Life” seminar on Saturday in Cannes.]

How many years have you been going to Cannes?

I’ve gone about 10 times in 25 years, and every year since health started three years ago.

Jeremy Perrott is chief creative officer at McCann Health.

(This Q&A has been edited and condensed.)